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2 in 1 oral monthly FLEA Control for Cats. Also can be used for Dogs weighting 20-35Lb

2 in 1 oral monthly FLEA Control for Cats. Also can be used for Dogs weighting 20-35Lb
  • Used for ANY SIZE CAT also can be used for Dogs 20-35Lb
  • Contains BOTH 15mg Nitenpyram + 210mg Lufenuron in each capsule.
  • Nitenpyram starts killing fleas within 30 minutes for up to 24 hours.
  • Lufenuron works for 1 month destroying Flea Eggs & Larvae, helps eradicate infestations

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$22.00 6 Capsules per order

$22.00 per 6 capsules

Online only

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  • Only $3.66 /capsule  per month for 2  in 1 capsule wow !
  • Can also be used for dogs 20 to 35LB
  • Contains 15 mg Nitenpyram + 210 mg Lufenuron in each capsule.
  • Nitenpyram starts killing Adult fleas within 30 minutes and lasts up to 24 hours.
  • Lufenuron works for one month destroying Flea Eggs and Larvae and with time it helps eradicate the flea infestation just imagine every adult female flea laying 50 eggs every day, if those eggs are not destroyed by Lufenuron they will hatch and the flea population can explode.
  • This medication have to be given after A MEAL which contains fat or oil or it will not work, wet food is OK and adding a teaspoon of olive or cooking oil to it make is 10 times better, some people use Tuna in oil and others give the oil fron a caosule of omega 3, be creative.
  • Cats 8 to 16 Lb give 1 capsule whole or opened and sprinkled over food once a month
  • Cats 2 to 8 Lb give 1/2 the contents of a capsule once a month.
  • If the source of fleas is not taken care of,  fleas will re infest your cat before the month is over since Lufenuron does not kill adult fleas and needs time to control the flea population, in this case you may need to give your cat Nitenpyram only capsules between the monthly doses to help kill new adult fleas.
  • Always Consult your trusted  knowlegable veterinerian with any issue related to your pet's health, he or she is the only professional who can legaly check, disgnose and treat your cat or dog.




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Pharmacist owned and

managed since 2008

Please consult your Veterinarian for any of your Pet's Health issues and concerns, using our products is not a substitute for a Vet visit which your pet may need.

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Please Consult your Veterenerian for any of your Pet's Health issues and concerns, using our products is not a substitute for a Vet visit or prescribed prescription medications.

All our products are Over the Counter Suppliments and are NOT for Human Consumption


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